Home MANGA NEWS Uncle From Another World: A Clever Post-Isekai Parody

Uncle From Another World: A Clever Post-Isekai Parody


Uncle From Another World is a manga series that offers a unique twist on the isekai genre, providing a clever parody that humorously explores the challenges of reintegrating into society after being stuck in a sword-and-sorcery realm. With its irreverent humor and clever observations, this manga is a must-read for fans of isekai stories.

Uncle From Another World: A Clever Post-Isekai Parody

Uncle From Another World is a manga series that offers a unique twist on the isekai genre, providing a clever parody that humorously explores the challenges of reintegrating into society after being stuck in a sword-and-sorcery realm. With its irreverent humor and clever observations, this manga is a must-read for fans of isekai stories.

Uncle From Another World: A Clever Post-Isekai Parody - -513442048

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

A Clever Post-Isekai Parody

Uncle From Another World falls into a unique category that can be best described as ‘post-isekai.’ It offers an irreverent analysis of how a real-world nerd would handle being stuck in a sword-and-sorcery realm for a significant portion of their life and how they would reintegrate into society upon their return. While the concept is intriguing, the execution relies heavily on assumed audience familiarity with the isekai genre.

The manga embraces its derivative nature and capitalizes on subverting expected tropes. The humor often stems from the protagonist’s observations and reactions to the isekai world, allowing readers to stay engaged with the parodies presented. It cleverly addresses elements of the otaku culture, such as tsunderes and RPG plot beats, while also incorporating references to Sega fanboyism and modern YouTuber trends. By building upon the otaku viewpoint prevalent in isekai stories, Uncle From Another World adds another layer of indulgence to the genre.

A Playful Mockery of Isekai Conventions

For the majority of the first volume, the plot takes a backseat, relying on genre gags and familiar tropes to carry the story forward. The series playfully mocks the conventions of isekai by presenting odd spins on the Uncle’s adventures in the other world. These subversions highlight the potential downsides and challenges faced by a regular person in an anime-inspired fantasy realm. The humor extends to the everyday interactions between Takafumi and his Uncle, showcasing the latter’s ineptitude and the cultural gap caused by his absence.

The dry irreverence of Uncle From Another World mostly works, providing sensible chuckles and satirical commentary. However, the reliance on recognizing specific references and plot points may limit the enjoyment for readers less familiar with isekai stories or otaku culture.

Artistic Style and Limitations

The artwork in Uncle From Another World is a mixed bag. While the character models for the main characters are intentionally rough and minimally expressive, the backgrounds and environments often appear amateurish. The contrast is particularly noticeable when the fantasy world is depicted with more polished illustrations, emphasizing the attractive nature of its inhabitants. The unpolished art may distract readers from fully immersing themselves in the story, requiring more focus on the dialogue to appreciate the observational humor.


Uncle From Another World presents a promising concept and delivers occasional laughs through its clever parody of isekai tropes. However, the reliance on genre familiarity and the repetitive nature of the humor limit its appeal to a specific audience. The unpolished artwork further detracts from the overall experience. While the series has potential, it needs to further develop its thematic substance and explore new avenues to maintain reader engagement in future volumes.