Home MANGA NEWS Taking Care of God: A Touching Tale of Childhood Wonderment in Extraordinary Times

Taking Care of God: A Touching Tale of Childhood Wonderment in Extraordinary Times


Explore the captivating manga ‘Taking Care of God’ and its themes of compassion, aging, and the importance of cherishing our elders. Discover how this thought-provoking story addresses societal issues and emphasizes the power of kindness and respect. Experience the captivating artistry that enhances the overall reading experience.

Exploring the Captivating Manga ‘Taking Care of God’

In the world of manga, there are stories that capture our hearts and minds, transporting us to extraordinary realms. ‘Taking Care of God’ is one such manga, offering a unique narrative that delves into themes of compassion, aging, and the importance of cherishing our elders.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Based on the works of renowned Chinese sci-fi author Liu Cixin, this manga takes readers on a fascinating journey that combines childhood wonderment with extraordinary times.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

A Mysterious Arrival: Unveiling Otherworldly Spaceships

The manga begins with a captivating premise: twenty thousand otherworldly spaceships mysteriously appear in orbit around Earth. This mysterious event sets the stage for an intriguing story filled with wonder and curiosity.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

As the story unfolds, readers are introduced to Zhihan, a young girl from an Asian village, who stumbles upon an old man that fell from the sky. This encounter marks the beginning of the strange and extraordinary events that unfold throughout the manga.

The Progenitors’ Arrival: Elders Seeking Refuge and Care

Soon after the initial mysterious arrival, elderly individuals in peculiar outfits begin descending all over the world, claiming to be the creators of human civilization. These elderly drifters, known as the Progenitors, seek refuge and care from humanity.

Zhihan’s encounter with the fallen old man becomes a symbol of the responsibility humanity now faces – to care for those who claim to have shaped our existence.

Reflecting on Societal Issues: Aging Population and Lack of Resources

‘Taking Care of God’ goes beyond its fantastical premise to explore deeper societal issues. It addresses the challenges of an aging population and the lack of resources to provide adequate care.

The manga sheds light on the plight of a booming industry that may collapse once the ancient aliens pass away. It prompts readers to reflect on the importance of addressing the needs of our elderly population.

The Power of Kindness and Respect: Caring for Our Elders

Throughout the manga, the importance of kindness and respect for elders is emphasized. The story conveys a powerful message, highlighting the role of children in caring for their elders.

The adult population, portrayed as a vague antagonist, serves as a reminder of the importance of fostering empathy and understanding across generations.

A Multifaceted Narrative: Themes and Writing Style

‘Taking Care of God’ impressively addresses multiple themes within a single volume. The concise and purposeful writing guides readers through a thought-provoking journey.

The inclusion of comedic and heartfelt moments between the children and aliens adds depth and endearment to the story, preventing it from becoming overly burdened by its grander themes.

Captivating Artistry: Enhancing the Reading Experience

Jun Yokoyama’s artistic approach in ‘Taking Care of God’ showcases a classic aesthetic with a softness that resonates with readers. The character designs feature rounded figures and expressive emotions, capturing the energy and vitality of youth.

The artistry complements the narrative, enhancing the overall reading experience and immersing readers in the world of the manga.

Conclusion: A Touching Tale of Compassion and Respect

Despite the controversial background surrounding its origins, ‘Taking Care of God’ offers a touching and thought-provoking story that speaks to the importance of caring for our elders.

The manga’s exploration of societal issues, coupled with its endearing characters and captivating art, make it a memorable read. Regardless of the creators’ intentions, the message of compassion and respect for the older generation shines through.

‘Taking Care of God’ is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to convey important messages in unexpected ways.