Home MANGA NEWS Taboo Tattoo Episode 5 Review: A Disappointing Plunge into Chaos

Taboo Tattoo Episode 5 Review: A Disappointing Plunge into Chaos


In episode 5 of Taboo Tattoo, the anime takes a significant nosedive in quality, leaving viewers feeling disappointed and confused. The unbalanced battles, tonal dissonance, and misguided attempts at humor contribute to the downfall of this episode. Find out why Taboo Tattoo fails to deliver in this review.

Taboo Tattoo Episode 5 Review: A Disappointing Plunge into Chaos

In episode 5 of Taboo Tattoo, the anime takes a significant nosedive in quality, leaving viewers feeling disappointed and confused. The unbalanced battles, tonal dissonance, and misguided attempts at humor contribute to the downfall of this episode. Find out why Taboo Tattoo fails to deliver in this review.

Taboo Tattoo Episode 5 Review: A Disappointing Plunge into Chaos - -1051398957

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Unbalanced Battles: A Chaotic Narrative

The episode begins with Izzy’s confrontation with Lurker to rescue LiSA. While the choreography and direction show a slight improvement, the writing and editing suffer greatly. The constant shift between Izzy’s battle and Seigi’s fight with Iltutmish creates an unbalanced narrative, causing viewers to lose track of the ongoing conflicts. Seigi’s showdown with Il is decently executed, but the utilization of Schrodinger’s Cat power as a basis for her abilities seems utterly ridiculous.

Tonal Dissonance: Inconsistent Tone Undermines Tension

One of the major issues with this episode is its inconsistent tone. The creators insert a gag involving Il’s kitten right in the middle of a supposedly intense rescue operation, undermining the tension and making the villains less threatening. While there are hints of complexities in Seigi’s relationship with the Princess and her nation, the tonal dissonance remains awkward and off-putting.

A Drastic Shift to Comedy: Jarring Mood Whiplash

After the rescue mission concludes, Taboo Tattoo takes an unexpected turn towards becoming a comedy. This sudden change in genre creates a jarring mood whiplash for viewers. The introduction of Izzy’s commanding officer, Colonel Sanders, attempts to be a humorous pop-culture reference but falls flat. The clash between excessive gore, sexual domination, and lighthearted comedy further diminishes the series’ ability to be funny or suspenseful.

Misguided Attempts at Humor: Falling Flat

The episode reaches its lowest point when Touko and Seigi encounter Aryabhata and Il while shopping for dinner ingredients. Touko’s exaggerated determination to defeat Aryabhata provides the only comedic moment that works. However, their subsequent table-tennis competition is more silly than funny, leaving viewers shaking their heads in disbelief. The Princess’ inappropriate fondling of Touko throughout the conversation adds to the discomfort and fails to contribute anything meaningful to the plot.

A Weak Ending: Unfulfilling Conclusion

Taboo Tattoo fails to recover from its comedic detour, wasting time on uninteresting gags about Seigi’s home life. The episode abruptly ends, leaving viewers unsatisfied and perplexed. While there is an after-credits scene, it feels forced and does little to salvage the overall quality of the episode.

Conclusion: A Low Point for the Series

Episode 5 of Taboo Tattoo is undoubtedly a low point for the series. The fight scenes demonstrate technical competence, but the writing and direction falter at every turn. It will be a challenge for the anime to overcome this creative nadir. Viewers can only hope that the next episode offers improvements and a return to the show’s potential.