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Read newest Overgeared Chapter 221


Overgeared Chapter 221 decription:

Shin Youngwoo (a.k.a. Greed), an unlucky man in life and a low-level player in the popular VR game “Satisfy,” finds a powerful item that earns him a rare legendary class title: “Pagma’s Successor.” He’s now a skilled blacksmith who can forge unique weapons and equip the game’s most powerful gear. Grid resolves to use his new abilities to achieve fame and fortune, but as his very existence begins to stir up trouble in Satisfy, he realizes that life as a legend may be more than he bargained for…

Spoiler conservation in Overgeared Chapter 221:

The central spire of Reidan Castle was a huge 11 stories. It was nearly twice as high as the spire of the lord’s castle in common cities.

“Is the height of the central spire important?”

“In a sense, it symbolizes the power of the lord. The greater the prestige and power of the lord, the higher the height of the spires.”

“In other words, the former lord of Reidan enjoyed the same authority as the king.”

“That is the correct interpretation.”

In fact, the size of Reidan Castle was comparable to the king’s palace.

“The castle has a total of 127 rooms. In addition, there are six other outbuildings. There are five gardens, three parade grounds, and a barracks that can accommodate 8,000 troops.”

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