Home MANGA NEWS Overgeared: A Mediocre Entry in the Crowded Manhwa Genre

Overgeared: A Mediocre Entry in the Crowded Manhwa Genre


Discover why ‘Overgeared’ fails to stand out among its predecessors in the fantasy/action manhwa genre, with an unremarkable protagonist, questionable humor, and minimal action.

Unremarkable Protagonist: Youngwoo Shin

In the first volume of ‘Overgeared,’ readers are introduced to the protagonist, Youngwoo Shin. Unfortunately, Shin falls short of being an engaging and admirable hero. With an uninspired outlook on life and a constant lack of money, he exudes a s**tty attitude that makes it difficult to connect with him. His reliance on dumb luck further diminishes his appeal as a protagonist. However, it’s important to note that this is only the beginning of the series, leaving room for potential character development and growth beyond his initial insufferable persona.

Overgeared: A Mediocre Entry in the Crowded Manhwa Genre - 1019500286

( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Questionable Humor: Outdated and Insulting

‘Overgeared’ raises concerns with its comedy, which often falls flat and, at times, becomes insulting. One example is the encounter between Shin and a blacksmith who develops an affection for him. The humor in this situation revolves around the blacksmith’s clinginess and predatory behavior, which Shin finds repulsive. However, this type of humor feels outdated and in poor taste, adding little to the overall story. It’s perplexing to see it used in a modern comic, especially when it fails to contribute significantly to the narrative.

Visual Style and Action: Aesthetically Pleasing but Lacking

Visually, ‘Overgeared’ excels in character design and armor aesthetics, which are crucial in a series where equipment plays a central role. The attention to detail in these aspects is commendable. However, the action is relatively minimal in the first volume, making it challenging to gauge its potential in future installments. While Redice Studio has a track record of delivering high-quality visuals in titles like ‘Solo Leveling,’ the lack of detailed backgrounds in ‘Overgeared’ is noticeable. The absence of immersive VR-created fantasy world backgrounds detracts from the overall experience.

Conclusion: Mediocre Entry in the Genre

‘Overgeared’ fails to stand out among its predecessors in the fantasy/action manhwa genre. The unremarkable protagonist, Youngwoo Shin, with his s**tty attitude and reliance on luck, does not make for a compelling hero. The questionable humor, which feels outdated and in poor taste, adds little to the story. While the visual style excels in character design and armor aesthetics, the lack of detailed backgrounds hinders the immersive experience. Overall, ‘Overgeared’ falls short in comparison to other manhwa titles and may not resonate with readers seeking high-quality storytelling and engaging characters.