Home MANGA NEWS Neo Yokio Review: A Bizarre and Fascinating Trainwreck

Neo Yokio Review: A Bizarre and Fascinating Trainwreck


Discover the eccentric world of Neo Yokio, a captivating animated series created by Jaden Smith. Explore its unique blend of humor, luxury, and pretension, and delve into the unusual cast of characters. Despite its flaws, Neo Yokio’s bizarre charm will leave you both bewildered and intrigued.

The Eccentric World of Neo Yokio

Neo Yokio is a captivating animated series that takes viewers into a world of eccentricity and uniqueness. Created by Jaden Smith, the show combines humor, luxury, and pretension to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

Neo Yokio Review: A Bizarre and Fascinating Trainwreck - 1056831994

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Set in the greatest city in the world, Neo Yokio is a sprawling metropolis known for its cultural and architectural innovation. The protagonist, Kaz Kaan, is a wealthy wizard with a penchant for exorcisms. However, his interests often lead him astray, as he becomes obsessed with fashion, field hockey, and romance. This unusual combination sets the stage for a series filled with unexpected twists and turns.

What sets Neo Yokio apart is its unconventional cast of characters. Each character is portrayed in a peculiar manner, with exaggerated dryness and unconventional dialogue delivery. Jaden Smith’s portrayal of Kaz Kaan, with his pink hair and quirky personality, adds to the offbeat nature of the show. While the animation and character designs may fall short, the voice acting of The Kid Mero and Jason Schwartzman injects some life into their respective characters.

Luxury and Pretension in Neo Yokio

One recurring theme in Neo Yokio is luxury and pretension. The show is filled with references to high-end brands and luxury goods, often used for comedic effect. From a demon inhabiting a Damien Hirst curio to the characters’ obsession with Toblerone chocolate bars, the show plays with the concept of opulence.

While the idea of exploring luxury and pretension is intriguing, the execution falls flat. The show lacks depth and substance in its exploration of these themes, leaving them feeling superficial. However, the humorous take on opulence adds an element of fun to the series.

Production Issues in Neo Yokio

Neo Yokio suffers from various production issues that detract from its overall quality. The animation is weak, with unfinished-looking visuals and lackluster character designs. The backgrounds are unimaginative, failing to fully bring the city of Neo Yokio to life.

Additionally, the writing leaves much to be desired. The lackluster writing exacerbates the show’s problems, making it feel disjointed and underdeveloped. While there are a few standout voice performances, the overall voice acting fails to impress.

The Fascination of Neo Yokio

Despite its flaws, Neo Yokio manages to captivate viewers with its sheer oddity. The show’s existence itself is a marvel, with its bewildering combination of elements and unexpected release. While it may not meet the standards of traditional anime or Netflix’s usual offerings, Neo Yokio stands out as a fascinating trainwreck that demands attention.

Its peculiar charm and unconventional approach make it a captivating watch. Whether it’s the peculiar characters, the obsession with luxury, or the production issues, Neo Yokio is an experience that will leave viewers both bewildered and intrigued.