Home MANGA NEWS My Princess Poison is Still Cute: A Charming and Lighthearted Comedy Series

My Princess Poison is Still Cute: A Charming and Lighthearted Comedy Series


Discover the delightful and entertaining comedic experience of ‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ manga series by Chihiro Sakutake. With its episodic format and recurring jokes, this three-volume run promises consistent amusement for readers.

Delightful and Entertaining: My Princess Poison is Still Cute

The manga series ‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ by Chihiro Sakutake offers a delightful and entertaining comedic experience. With its episodic format and recurring jokes, this manga promises consistent amusement for readers.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Chihiro Sakutake’s artwork in ‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ is simple yet effective. The characters’ comedic elements and personalities are well-captured, contributing to the humor of the series. While the art may not be groundbreaking, it serves its purpose in complementing the comedic genre.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

The Repeated Joke: A Comic Death and Resurrection

At the core of the series is the repeated joke involving the immortal knight, Loren, and the poisonous demon, Raffy. Whenever Loren manages to evoke a strong emotional reaction from Raffy, he is met with a comical death. However, being immortal, he quickly respawns in a new outfit, resulting in absurd and humorous situations. This running gag forms the backbone of the series, with slight variations to keep it fresh and engaging.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Repetitious Comedy for Light Entertainment

For fans of repetitive comedy, ‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ delivers consistently humorous moments. The manga’s reliance on the recurring joke may not appeal to those seeking a more complex or meaningful romantic storyline. However, for readers looking for light entertainment and quick laughs, this series is an excellent choice.

Artistic Execution: Simple Yet Effective

Chihiro Sakutake’s artwork in ‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ is simple yet effective. The characters’ comedic elements and personalities are well-captured, contributing to the humor of the series. While the art may not be groundbreaking, it serves its purpose in complementing the comedic genre.

Conclusion: A Delightful and Amusing Manga

‘My Princess Poison is Still Cute’ is a delightful addition to any manga collection, particularly for those seeking light-hearted moments of absurdity. The three-volume run ensures that the series does not overstay its welcome, maintaining its charm and entertainment value throughout. While it may not offer depth or variety, it excels in providing consistent cuteness and amusement. So, if you’re in the mood for some fun fluff, this manga is definitely worth a read. However, if you crave a more intricate story or diverse narrative, you may want to explore other options.