Home MANGA NEWS My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress: A Refreshing Take on the Vampire Genre

My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress: A Refreshing Take on the Vampire Genre


Discover a captivating manga that combines action, horror, and drama in a world overrun by vampires. Follow protagonist Isuzu Osaka as he strikes a deal with the powerful vampiress, Baroque, to protect his friends. With well-written characters, inventive magic, and visually pleasing artwork, ‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress’ promises an engaging and thrilling reading experience.

A Refreshing Take on the Vampire Genre

Discover a captivating manga that combines action, horror, and drama in a world overrun by vampires. Follow protagonist Isuzu Osaka as he strikes a deal with the powerful vampiress, Baroque, to protect his friends.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

The manga, ‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress,’ offers readers a unique and refreshing perspective on the vampire genre. It strikes a perfect balance between action, horror, and drama, keeping readers engaged throughout the story.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

The well-written and fully realized characters, particularly Isuzu and Baroque, drive the narrative forward. Their strong and determined personas create a sense of urgency in the action sequences as they fight to protect each other.

Inventive Worldbuilding and Magic

Chisaki Kanai excels at worldbuilding in ‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress.’ The manga seamlessly introduces readers to a Japan plagued by vampires, providing a natural backdrop for the story.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

What sets this manga apart is the introduction of magic, particularly Baroque’s use of curses from vampire parts. This adds an exciting and inventive element to the narrative, captivating readers with the prospect of encountering more unique magic wielders in future volumes.

Engaging Artwork and Visual Appeal

Visually, ‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress’ may not be groundbreaking, but it remains visually pleasing and serves the story well.

The action sequences are easy to follow, and the character designs are distinct enough to avoid confusion, even within the large cast.

While the lack of defining panels and larger spreads is a slight disappointment, the artwork overall does not detract from the enjoyment of the manga.

An Exciting and Promising Reading Experience

After reading the first volume of ‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress,’ readers will be eager to delve deeper into the action and explore the evolving relationship between Baroque and Isuzu.

This manga has the potential to please even the most skeptical vampire enthusiasts. It offers a refreshing take on the genre, combining elements of action, horror, and drama in a compelling narrative.

‘My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress’ is an exciting prospect that promises an engaging and thrilling reading experience.