Home MANGA NEWS My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress: A Genre-Bending Delight

My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress: A Genre-Bending Delight


Discover the thrilling and unpredictable journey through various genres in Chisaki Kanai’s manga series, ‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress.’ From horror and action to romance and mystery, this captivating series keeps readers engaged with its ever-changing tone and captivating characters.

The Genre-Bending Delight of ‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress’

In Chisaki Kanai’s manga series, ‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress,’ readers are taken on a thrilling and unpredictable journey through various genres. From horror and action to romance and mystery, this captivating series keeps readers engaged with its ever-changing tone and captivating characters.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

The series, which began with a focus on horror and action, takes unexpected turns in subsequent volumes, embracing romantic and kawaii themes while introducing a murder-mystery set in a school with a touch of espionage. Despite the shifting tone, ‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress’ manages to retain the key elements that initially made it enjoyable.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Each volume builds upon the lore established in the previous ones, ensuring a cohesive narrative despite the genre shifts. Chisaki Kanai skillfully weaves together elements of horror, romance, and mystery, creating a unique reading experience.

Engaging Characters and Captivating Plot Twists

‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress’ introduces new characters in volume three, such as Lapis, a pro-human vampire who immediately clashes with Baroque, the protagonist. Lapis’s interest in Isuzu, the main character, adds a layer of romantic tension and jealousy, leading to humorous and entertaining moments throughout the volume.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

While the story in volume three may feel somewhat inconsequential in the grand scheme of the series, Chisaki Kanai drops hints and introduces elements that will likely play a more significant role later on. The closure of this particular arc may not add much context to the overarching fight against vampires, but it keeps readers engaged and eager for what’s to come.

Visual Limitations in Volume Three

One drawback of volume three is the visual aspect, as the school setting limits Chisaki Kanai’s ability to showcase their artistic prowess. The art style, which shines in action and fashion sequences, appears somewhat generic when confined to school uniforms and closed-in environments. However, Kanai’s talent for visual comedic timing remains evident, adding a touch of humor to the story.

A Unique and Entertaining Escape

‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress’ occupies a unique space within the manga world, with its ever-changing tone and lack of a definitive direction. It may not be a work that readers will dissect for deeper meanings, but it certainly provides an entertaining escape. Each volume builds upon the last, offering a delightful blend of horror, romance, and mystery elements that will keep readers hooked.

If you’re looking for a genre-bending manga that will keep you entertained, give ‘My Dear, Curse Casting Vampiress’ a try.