Home MANGA NEWS King in Limbo Omnibus 1 Manga Review: A Captivating Blend of Science Fiction and Reality-Horror

King in Limbo Omnibus 1 Manga Review: A Captivating Blend of Science Fiction and Reality-Horror


Explore the captivating blend of science fiction and reality-horror in the thought-provoking manga series, King in Limbo. Set in the year 2086, the story follows protagonist Adam Garfield as he becomes involved in a dangerous diving procedure to combat a global pandemic. Dive into the minds of the afflicted and unravel the mysteries of dreams and symbolism in this gripping tale.

King in Limbo Omnibus 1 Manga Review: A Captivating Blend of Science Fiction and Reality-Horror

King in Limbo is a captivating manga series that expertly blends science fiction and reality-horror. With its thought-provoking exploration of themes like pandemics, technology, and vast conspiracies, this manga offers a unique reading experience. Published in 2017, the story feels eerily prescient in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, making it both timely and relevant.

King in Limbo Omnibus 1 Manga Review: A Captivating Blend of Science Fiction and Reality-Horror - -1144885348

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

The protagonist of King in Limbo is Petty Officer Adam Garfield, a disabled serviceman who becomes involved in a dangerous diving procedure to combat a global pandemic. Adam’s lucid dreaming ability makes him a valuable asset for the military, and his moral struggles and personal beliefs add depth to his character.

The enigmatic diver known as Rune Winter, also known as The King, becomes Adam’s dive partner. Their collaboration and opposition to the government create a complex and intriguing plot. As the story unfolds, Adam gradually uncovers the secrets that Rune holds, adding further layers to the narrative.

Plot Summary: A Futuristic World Gripped by a Mysterious Sleeping Disease

Set in the year 2086, King in Limbo takes place in California, where people are starting to feel safe after a global pandemic caused by a mysterious sleeping disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a cure for the memory cancer associated with the disease. This cure involves diving into the brains of the afflicted to remove the infected memories.

Petty Officer Adam Garfield, a naval serviceman, becomes involved in this dangerous diving procedure when he is approached to become the dive partner of a renowned cerebral diver known as The King. Although Adam is initially unsure of his role, he soon discovers that the sleeping disease is not as eradicated as people believe, and his help is crucial in preventing a worsening situation.

Character Analysis: Complex Protagonist and Enigmatic Diver

Adam Garfield, the protagonist of King in Limbo, is a disabled serviceman who has experienced trauma from a bomb mishap that cost him his leg. His ability to lucidly dream makes him a valuable asset for the military, as lucid dreamers are the most effective divers. Adam’s moral compass and struggle between his naval training and personal beliefs make him a compelling character to follow throughout the story.

The enigmatic diver known as Rune Winter, also referred to as The King, becomes Adam’s dive partner. While much about Rune remains unknown, his frosty demeanor and dedication to saving people suggest a troubled past. His collaboration with and opposition to the government adds complexity to the plot, and Adam gradually uncovers the secrets Rune holds.

Dreams and Symbolism: Unraveling the Meaning Behind the Dreams

One of the notable strengths of King in Limbo is its use of dreams as a narrative device. The concept of “Limbo,” the space between the waking and sleeping worlds, plays a significant role in the story. As divers enter the minds of the afflicted, they traverse this liminal zone, blurring the boundaries between reality and dreams. The dreams in the manga are filled with symbolism, such as Adam appearing as a teenager and the presence of a mysterious little girl. Unraveling the meaning behind these dream elements becomes a captivating treasure hunt for readers.

Art and Conclusion: A Captivating Blend of Genres

The art in King in Limbo complements the storytelling, although there are some perspective issues. The blend of different genres and elements, such as science fiction and reality-horror, creates a captivating reading experience. The gradual revelation of information allows readers to form their own theories before answers are unveiled, keeping them engaged throughout.

Overall, King in Limbo’s first omnibus volume presents a gripping tale that delves into the complexities of pandemics, technology, and human nature. While caution is advised for readers still dealing with pandemic trauma, those seeking a compelling science fiction narrative will find this manga to be a worthwhile read.