Home MANGA NEWS Is High-Rise Invasion Worth Watching?

Is High-Rise Invasion Worth Watching?


Discover the merits of High-Rise Invasion, a thrilling anime series that combines survival games and action spectacle. Join Steve and Jean-Karlo as they debate the show’s appeal and discuss its unique elements. Find out if this serial killer pantyfest with a dash of acrophobia is worth your time.

Is High-Rise Invasion Any Good?

High-Rise Invasion continues the anime tradition of anime B-horror schlock, not unlike Highschool of the Dead. Part survival game, part silly action spectacle, MangaMania will debate the merits of this serial killer pantyfest with a dash of acrophobia.

Is High-Rise Invasion Worth Watching? - 1366855711

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Yeah, I can agree: High-Rise Invasion did not make the best first impression. It didn’t even leave what I’d call a good impression when I finished it. But I will give it this: it left an impression, and not just on the pavement.

Basically, it’s a good old-fashioned death game setup. People are mysteriously teleported to a city full of—you guessed it—high rises connected by rope bridges with no way down except the extremely permanent way. There are creepy killers in masks trying to drive non-masked people to suicide, and the protagonists are fighting for their lives within this bloody skyscape, and so on and so forth. We know the drill.

The Appeal of High-Rise Invasion

Despite its initial shortcomings, High-Rise Invasion managed to captivate MangaMania’s attention. The over-the-top grindhouse garbage and ridiculous gorefests may not be for everyone, but for those who enjoy this kind of spectacle, the show delivers.

The anime’s ability to incentivize viewers and keep them engaged in the survival game narrative is commendable. It takes advantage of brain wavelengths and taps into MangaMania’s wavelength, creating a unique viewing experience. High-Rise Invasion satisfies the craving for over-the-top, action-packed storytelling, even if it veers into tasteless territory at times.

The Characters and Storyline

The character development in High-Rise Invasion is a mixed bag. Yuri, the protagonist, oscillates between being a helpless babe in the woods and a hardcore warrior, often without a gradual transition. This inconsistency can be jarring, but it adds a certain charm to her character.

Despite the occasional tasteless moments, the show manages to avoid excessive victimization of its female characters. Yuri refuses to be a passive victim and takes control of her own destiny. Mayuko, another character, undergoes a transformation after meeting Yuri, showcasing the power of friendship in this deadly game.

Kuon, with her railgun and somewhat dimwitted nature, adds an interesting dynamic to the group. Her infatuation with Sniper Mask, a close friend of Yuri’s brother, injects some lightheartedness into the intense storyline. The presence of Sniper Mask himself, with his damaged mask and bolt-action rifle, adds a layer of mystery and intrigue.

The Unique Elements of High-Rise Invasion

High-Rise Invasion stands out with its memorable visuals and distinct character designs. The image of masked killers in plainclothes, reminiscent of Raidou Kuzunoha cosplayers, lingers in the mind long after watching the show.

The inclusion of a computer program in Mayuko’s brain, resulting in a copy of herself, is a bizarre and unexpected twist. The anime takes it even further by showcasing different colored striped panties for each version of Mayuko, a detail that defies explanation.

Additionally, the transformation of ordinary individuals into spandex-clad warriors through a simple phrase adds a touch of absurdity to the narrative. It’s a quirk that sets High-Rise Invasion apart from other survival game anime.

Conclusion: High-Rise Invasion’s Dumpster Diving Appeal

High-Rise Invasion may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those who appreciate the blend of survival game elements, action spectacle, and over-the-top storytelling, it offers an enjoyable experience. MangaMania’s love for the series stems from its ability to embrace its grindhouse nature while still keeping viewers engaged.

So, if you’re willing to dive into the dumpster of High-Rise Invasion, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by its unique charm and thrilling storyline. Just be prepared for the panty shots and occasional tastelessness that come along with it.