Home MANGA NEWS He’s Expecting Manga Volume 1 Review: Challenging Gender Roles with Male Pregnancy

He’s Expecting Manga Volume 1 Review: Challenging Gender Roles with Male Pregnancy


Explore the thought-provoking themes of male pregnancy and gender roles in He’s Expecting Manga Volume 1. Discover how this manga challenges societal expectations and highlights the importance of empathy and equal treatment for all individuals involved in the journey of pregnancy.

He’s Expecting Manga Volume 1 Review: Challenging Gender Roles with Male Pregnancy

Eri Sakai’s manga, He’s Expecting, delves into a unique concept where men have the ability to carry children. In this review, we will explore the thought-provoking themes presented in the first volume of this manga and how it challenges societal expectations surrounding pregnancy and gender roles.

He's Expecting Manga Volume 1 Review: Challenging Gender Roles with Male Pregnancy - -429269389

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Ten years prior to the story’s commencement, a groundbreaking change occurred as men gained the ability to become pregnant. However, this transformation did not lead to the expected societal and legislative revolutions. The prevalence of male pregnancy remained relatively low, and traditional gender roles persisted. Kentaro, the protagonist, finds himself unexpectedly pregnant after a casual encounter. This prompts him to confront the challenges of being a pregnant man, including the scrutiny and judgment he faces. Alongside his journey, the manga explores the perspectives of other characters whose lives intersect with Kentaro’s, including a pregnant woman, a teenage boy who had an abortion, and a married couple where the husband is expecting their second child.

Exploring the Intriguing Concept of Male Pregnancy

He’s Expecting tackles the intriguing notion of male pregnancy and its implications on society. While not overtly political, the manga raises fascinating points that challenge the traditional narrative. For instance, the story highlights the differences in recovery time between male and female pregnancies due to the absence of a birth canal. This aspect adds a layer of complexity to the decision-making process for characters considering abortion.

One of the manga’s strengths lies in its portrayal of pregnancy and abortion as human issues rather than strictly gendered ones. Each chapter is dedicated to a different character’s perspective, showcasing the diverse range of emotions and experiences surrounding pregnancy and its aftermath. Sakai skillfully navigates the struggles faced by these characters, emphasizing the importance of communication and support within relationships.

He’s Expecting also addresses the workplace challenges that pregnant individuals often encounter. Kentaro’s discomfort in disclosing the reason for his time off highlights the stigma and discrimination faced by pregnant individuals, irrespective of gender. The manga successfully underscores the need for improved reproductive healthcare and dismantling societal biases.

Challenging Societal Expectations and Gender Roles

While the concept and execution of He’s Expecting are commendable, some readers may find that the social commentary falls short of their expectations. The manga remains relatively understated in its approach, focusing more on personal narratives rather than pushing for a revolutionary overhaul of societal norms. However, the inclusion of a cafĂ© catering to men with children and the exploration of changing gender roles provide hope for a more inclusive future.


He’s Expecting Volume 1 presents a thought-provoking exploration of male pregnancy and its impact on individuals and society. Eri Sakai skillfully weaves together diverse perspectives to emphasize the importance of reproductive healthcare as a universal concern. While the manga may not fully satisfy readers seeking a more radical narrative, it successfully highlights the need for empathy, understanding, and equal treatment for all individuals involved in the journey of pregnancy.