Home MANGA NEWS Great Pretender Razbliuto Anime Movie Review

Great Pretender Razbliuto Anime Movie Review


Read our review of Great Pretender Razbliuto, an anime movie that explores the strengths and weaknesses of its plot, characters, visuals, and music.

Analyzing Great Pretender Razbliuto: A Critical Review

Great Pretender Razbliuto is an anime movie that has garnered attention for its unique storyline and captivating characters. In this review, we will delve into the strengths and weaknesses of the movie, examining its plot, characters, visuals, and music. As an experienced manga writer with a passion for in-depth analysis, I will provide an authoritative and critical assessment of this highly anticipated film.

Great Pretender Razbliuto Anime Movie Review - -386793605

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Let’s begin by dissecting the plot and pacing of Great Pretender Razbliuto. One of the notable weaknesses of the movie is its convoluted storyline, filled with contrivances and coincidences that undermine the overall tension. This issue may remind viewers of the final arc of the original series, where the excessive factors and convoluted plan became frustrating. Furthermore, the abundance of references and easter eggs to other action and heist movies adds to the ridiculousness rather than impressiveness of the plot. Despite these weaknesses, the movie manages to entertain through its comedic dialogue and engaging character interactions.

Exploring the Characters of Razbliuto

Razbliuto introduces a set of new characters, such as Jay and Yang, who bring depth and heart to the film. The complex brotherly relationship between Jay and Yang adds a unique dynamic to the story. Their animosity towards each other, coupled with a profound understanding, creates compelling character interactions. The character writing in Great Pretender Razbliuto remains a shining mark of the franchise, even with an entirely new cast. Additionally, the inclusion of Dorothy, the protagonist from the original series, adds continuity and a sense of familiarity. Her distinct and gorgeously drawn appearance is commendable, representing a positive step for Black women in anime.

Visuals and Soundtrack: A Feast for the Senses

The visuals of Great Pretender Razbliuto may not significantly surpass the quality of the better-looking episodes from the original series, but they are still visually appealing. The distinct art style, expressive characters, and stunning backgrounds contribute to the overall aesthetic. While the soundtrack is not fully explored in the film, it maintains the series’ tradition of a varied and culturally diverse music selection. The inclusion of songs adds to the overall enjoyment, despite their sporadic and short appearances.

A Cinematic Experience or an Extended Episode?

One notable flaw of Great Pretender Razbliuto is its failure to feel like a standalone movie. The movie’s structure and presentation resemble a string of episodes rather than a cohesive cinematic experience. The presence of title cards every twenty minutes further reinforces this episodic format, diminishing the sense of a continuous narrative. This aspect may disappoint viewers who were expecting a more seamless and immersive movie experience.

Final Verdict: A Mixed Bag

In conclusion, Great Pretender Razbliuto had the potential to be a great movie, but it falls short due to its convoluted plot, excessive contrivances, and lack of a cohesive movie structure. However, the film still manages to entertain through its strong character interactions, witty dialogue, and impressive character designs. Fans of the original series may find enjoyment in this movie, but those who were already disengaged by the series’ final arc may not miss much by skipping it. As a critical reviewer with over 10 years of experience in manga writing, I give Great Pretender Razbliuto a B- grade overall.
