Home MANGA NEWS Gang King: A Hilarious Throwback to the Juvenile Delinquent Genre

Gang King: A Hilarious Throwback to the Juvenile Delinquent Genre


Experience the sensational lives of juvenile delinquents in the humorous manga series, Gang King. With its absurdity, dark humor, and memorable characters, this manga captures the essence of the genre. If you’re a fan of the juvenile delinquent genre, this throwback to audacious entries in the genre is a must-read.

Gang King: A Hilarious Throwback to the Juvenile Delinquent Genre

The sensational lives of juvenile delinquents have long been a popular theme in Japanese media. Daiju Yanauichi’s manga series, “Gang King,” embraces this genre with an unapologetic and action-packed approach. While it may offer a simplistic take on the subject, the inaugural volume of “Gang King” provides an abundance of absurdity, humor, and a cast of uproarious characters that fans of the genre are sure to enjoy.

Gang King: A Hilarious Throwback to the Juvenile Delinquent Genre - -2146798046

( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Exploring the Sensational Delinquent Lifestyle:

Gang King: A Hilarious Throwback to the Juvenile Delinquent Genre - -85120744

( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

“Gang King” places a greater emphasis on the sensational elements of the delinquent lifestyle, incorporating violence and humor at the forefront. The protagonist, Jimmy, is obsessed with tattoos and his skill in inking, which earns him both respect and trouble. He rules as a calm and cool leader, but his anger flares up when tattoos are disrespected. The series also introduces Psyko, a comical character with an intimidating haircut that only leads to him becoming the butt of jokes. These amusing and eccentric characters make for an entertaining read.

Dark and Crass Humor:

Looking at “Gang King” through a comedic lens, the manga successfully balances dark and crass humor. The series establishes strong personalities with their own amusing quirks, resulting in hilarious interactions. However, the emphasis on crassness, particularly when it comes to elements of sexuality, may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Some readers may find certain scenes, such as the introduction of the dildo-wielding Zombie, off-putting. The manga’s comedic style may also feel slightly outdated, reminiscent of 90s action/comedies, which adds a touch of nostalgia for fans of that era.

Visual Style and Art:

Daiju Yanauichi’s art in “Gang King” may not be overly impressive, especially when it comes to depicting tattoos, which are often gloriously beautiful in manga. However, the visuals do have their own flair, particularly in action sequences. Yanauichi’s art complements the humor and character-driven nature of the story, making up for any shortcomings in the art department. Unfortunately, the manga is currently only available in digital format, which may affect the overall appreciation of the artwork.

Limited Appeal, but a Welcome Throwback:

“Gang King” may have limited appeal due to its outdated comedy style and its lighter approach to a genre that often tackles deeper issues faced by Japanese youth. However, this does not diminish the quality of the work, but rather positions it for a dedicated fanbase. For those who grew up with Japanese cinema that romanticizes the delinquent lifestyle, “Gang King” serves as a welcome throwback to the audacious entries in the genre. If you enjoy unapologetically offensive humor and have a fondness for the juvenile delinquent genre, give Daiju Yanauichi’s love letter to this genre a go.


“Gang King” offers a humorous and entertaining look at the sensational lives of juvenile delinquents. With its absurdity, dark humor, and memorable characters, the manga captures the essence of the genre, even if it may feel slightly anachronistic in its comedy style. While its appeal may be limited, fans of the juvenile delinquent genre will appreciate the throwback to audacious entries in the genre. If you’re in the mood for an unapologetically offensive and action-packed read, give “Gang King” a chance.