Home MANGA NEWS Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 Review: A Bittersweet Finale

Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 Review: A Bittersweet Finale


Explore the unexpected twists and turns in Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 as Gordon and Arisa face difficult decisions and impending deadlines. Discover the artistic and narrative elements that make this volume both intriguing and somewhat unsatisfying. Dive into the heart of the story as Arisa’s love for food takes center stage, symbolizing her zest for life. Experience the thrilling and intense encounters in the final stretch of the series. Despite its shortcomings, Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 remains an enjoyable read for fans of the series.

Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 Review: A Bittersweet Finale

Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 takes readers on a thrilling and unexpected journey as Gordon and Arisa continue their adventures on the road. With the past catching up to them and the future looming, the duo must make difficult decisions about their lives. This review explores how the impending finale of the series influences the direction of the story and examines the artistic and narrative elements that make this volume both intriguing and somewhat unsatisfying.

Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 Review: A Bittersweet Finale - 808196133

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

The Unexpected Path:

Contrary to expectations, the third volume of Crazy Food Truck does not dive into an epic story arc following the events of the previous volume. Instead, it opens with an anticlimactic reveal of an absurd “treasure” and quickly gets back to basics with Gordon and Arisa hitting the road again. This shift in tone, while initially surprising, brings a refreshing simplicity to the story, emphasizing the characters’ dynamic and their shared love for food.

Arisa’s Impending Deadline and Character Development

As the volume progresses, it becomes apparent that the series is approaching its conclusion. Arisa’s impending deadline takes center stage, with the narrative driving towards this destination. The manga delves into her backstory, filling in gaps and providing a deeper understanding of her character. While this adds depth to the story, it also feels somewhat forced and rushed, as if the author needed to tie up loose ends before the series concludes.

The Heart of Crazy Food Truck:

Arisa’s love for food becomes the heart of Crazy Food Truck’s story. It symbolizes her zest for life and the enjoyment she finds in the simplest of pleasures. This theme of living life to the fullest, even in the face of a short lifespan, adds a touch of sentimentality to the narrative. However, the shift towards a “burn bright and burn fast” philosophy feels inconsistent with the laid-back travelogue vibe of the previous volumes.

Unexpected Developments and Clashing Themes

One of the unexpected developments in this volume is the revelation of a romantic undertone between Gordon and Arisa. While this may tie into the overarching theme of embracing life, it feels abrupt and clashes with the previous characterization. It comes across as a trite development that detracts from the overall storytelling.

The Final Stretch:

As Crazy Food Truck reaches its conclusion, the story takes a more action-packed turn, with the food truck becoming involved in thrilling and intense encounters. The artwork effectively captures the energy and excitement of these scenes, although some character proportions lack consistency. Overall, the final stretch of the series attempts to deliver a defiant last hurrah but falls short, leaving a bittersweet taste in readers’ mouths.


Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 offers an interesting exploration of how the impending finale of a series can impact its direction. While the decision to conclude the story on the author’s terms is commendable, it results in a clash with the previous appeal of the series. The volume delivers some exciting action sequences and touches upon deeper themes, but ultimately fails to provide a satisfying conclusion. Despite its shortcomings, Crazy Food Truck Volume 3 remains an enjoyable read for fans of the series.