Home MANGA NEWS Coffee Moon Volume 3: A Tonal Shift with Potential

Coffee Moon Volume 3: A Tonal Shift with Potential


The third volume of ‘Coffee Moon’ brings a surprising tonal shift that may polarize fans, but opens up new possibilities for the series. Despite some limitations in artwork, the captivating world and unique visual style continue to shine.

Coffee Moon Volume 3: A Tonal Shift with Potential

The third volume of Mochito Bota’s ‘Coffee Moon’ takes readers on a surprising journey with a noticeable change in tone. Previously shrouded in mystery, our protagonist Pieta now finds herself embarking on a superhero-like adventure. While this shift may divide fans, it opens up new possibilities for the series and maintains the captivating intrigue of its unique world.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

The gloomy rain-soaked city, which has always been a central element of ‘Coffee Moon,’ continues to captivate readers with its enigmatic allure. As the city transforms into a battleground, the perpetual darkness adds an intriguing layer of mystique. Furthermore, the introduction of new creatures brings a captivating contrast between cuteness and morbidity, enhancing the series’ distinctive visual style.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

However, this tonal shift does have some drawbacks. The artwork, particularly during action-packed sequences, reveals the creator’s limitations. The flow of the fights feels slightly awkward, and the characters lose some of their sleek aesthetic when in motion. Nonetheless, Bota’s artistic talent is still evident, and the static sequences showcase their skillful craftsmanship.

The shift from mystery to a faster-paced action series may not resonate with all readers. Some may find it disappointing, while others may see it as an opportunity to explore a series they previously considered too somber and slow-paced. As a fan who prefers darker content, I must admit that the change is a letdown for me personally. However, it is not significant enough to make me disengage from the series entirely.

Nevertheless, ‘Coffee Moon’ remains an undeniably sleek and cool series, thanks to its visual aesthetic and intricate worldbuilding. Volume 3 acts as a reset, offering potential for Bota to expand on her concept and integrate this particular change. Whether this shift propels the series forward in exciting ways or drowns out the wonderfully emotional and bleak mystery that initially set the tone remains to be seen.

In conclusion, ‘Coffee Moon’ Volume 3 brings a sharp tonal shift that may polarize fans of the series. While the action-oriented direction and its accompanying limitations in artwork may disappoint some, the captivating world and unique visual style continue to shine. With the potential for further development, ‘Coffee Moon’ holds promise for both existing and new readers, as it explores uncharted territory while retaining its intriguing core.