Home MANGA NEWS A Nonjudgmental Exploration of Teen Pregnancy in ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’

A Nonjudgmental Exploration of Teen Pregnancy in ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’


Explore the realistic and relatable story of Sachi, a high school student grappling with an unplanned pregnancy, in the manga ‘My Girlfriend’s Child.’ This nonjudgmental narrative delves into Sachi’s anxieties, decisions, and the support she receives from her partner and family.

A Nonjudgmental Exploration of Teen Pregnancy in ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’

In the first volume of ‘My Girlfriend’s Child,’ readers are introduced to Sachi and Takara, two high school students who have been dating for a while and have recently started contemplating their future after graduation. However, their lives are thrown into disarray when Sachi becomes concerned that a broken condom may have resulted in an unplanned pregnancy. Unsure of how to handle the situation, Sachi begins to explore her options and grapple with the level of support she desires from those around her.

A Nonjudgmental Exploration of Teen Pregnancy in 'My Girlfriend's Child' - -707361820

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

While the title of the manga may suggest a focus on Takara’s perspective, the story is primarily told from Sachi’s point of view. This choice, although potentially misleading, does not detract from the overall narrative. ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’ approaches its characters and plot in a matter-of-fact manner, refraining from passing judgment.

Realistic and Relatable Reactions

Sachi and Takara are portrayed as a couple who have been together for a significant period of time, transitioning from childhood friends to romantic partners. They have been sexually active since Sachi was fifteen, using protection consistently. However, a single instance of unprotected sex leads to Sachi’s anxieties about a possible pregnancy. The manga does not portray the characters as ignorant but rather acknowledges their age-appropriate level of knowledge about sex and pregnancy.

Sachi’s reactions and decisions are realistic and relatable. She experiences fear and denial, reluctant to confront the possibility of pregnancy. Concerned about changes in her body, such as weight gain and nausea, Sachi takes a pregnancy test, which confirms her suspicions. Uncertain about what to do next, she eventually seeks advice from an OB/GYN. Although her timing may not be ideal, her anxiety and fear drive her decision-making process.

Navigating Support and Privacy

One noteworthy aspect of the story is Sachi’s desire to handle the situation alone. She keeps her fears and suspicions to herself, not confiding in anyone. When her older brother discovers her researching pregnancy-related topics, he attempts to intervene by suggesting an abortion clinic visit. While well-intentioned, his actions only increase Sachi’s anxiety, especially when he reveals her secret to Takara. However, once Takara overcomes his initial shock, he becomes a supportive and understanding partner.

Interestingly, Sachi’s desire for privacy stems from her wish to avoid confronting the issue and simply make it go away. Yet, the manga recognizes that deciding whether to proceed with an abortion is not an easy choice. It does not shy away from highlighting the complexity of the decision-making process. When Sachi visits a clinic alone, she struggles to answer the questionnaire, visibly torn. She also interprets the looks from other patients in the waiting room as judgmental, reflecting her own insecurities.

Supportive Relationships and Natural Consequences

Furthermore, ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’ excels in portraying Sachi’s relationships with her family and Takara. Her mother is caring, unaware of the pregnancy, while her brother, although awkward, offers support. Takara proves to be a true partner, engaging in open conversations about sensitive topics such as Sachi’s period. The manga refrains from framing their relationship as careless or without options; instead, it presents their situation as a natural consequence of their choices.

A Nonjudgmental Approach to Teen Pregnancy

While not the first manga to tackle the topic of teenage pregnancy, ‘My Girlfriend’s Child’ stands out for its clear and nonjudgmental approach. The first volume does not advocate for any specific ‘right’ answer and maintains a calm and realistic portrayal of Sachi’s anxiety. Although the digital edition may not fully showcase the art, the manga is a worthwhile read, offering an insightful exploration of teen pregnancy and one young woman’s journey to make the best decisions for herself.


  • Overall: A-
  • Story: A-
  • Art: B