Home MANGA NEWS A Candid Exploration of Queer Aging: At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender

A Candid Exploration of Queer Aging: At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender


Discover the thought-provoking manga ‘At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender’ by Shou Arai, as they share their personal journey of self-discovery and acceptance as an intersex transgender individual. This candid exploration delves into the challenges and triumphs of queer aging, addressing topics such as gender identity, relationships, and societal norms in Japan.

Discovering One’s True Identity: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance

In the thought-provoking manga ‘At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender,’ Shou Arai, an intersex transgender manga creator, shares their personal journey of self-discovery and acceptance. This English translation offers a rare glimpse into the experiences of queer individuals as they navigate the complexities of aging and embrace the changes that come with it.

A Candid Exploration of Queer Aging: At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender - 606830704

( Credit to: Animenewsnetwork )

Shou Arai spent the first three decades of their life identifying as a woman before realizing that this label didn’t truly reflect their identity. Through the process of transitioning and discovering their intersex condition, Arai embarked on a path towards self-acceptance. This manga delves into their experiences alongside their supportive boyfriend, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs they encounter along the way.

An Open and Honest Dialogue: Candid Exploration of Queer Aging

‘At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender’ tackles a wide range of topics with candidness and sincerity. Arai fearlessly explores the impact of age differences between partners, the changing dynamics of a relationship, and the frustrations associated with gendered language. While rooted in Japanese terminology, Arai’s explanations transcend language barriers, allowing readers to fully grasp their perspective.

The manga also delves into the unique challenges faced by queer and gender nonconforming individuals in Japan. Arai sheds light on how societal norms, such as strict gender binaries, impact the lives of those who don’t conform to these expectations. The book also addresses issues like finding appropriate language to describe significant others and the biases faced by nonbinary individuals.

Navigating Intimate Matters: Addressing Sexuality and Communication

While the manga doesn’t carry a mature rating, it delves into frank discussions about sex and includes uncensored but non-graphic depictions of male genitals. These conversations serve to educate and affirm readers, addressing the intricacies of sexual relationships, body changes with age, and the importance of communication. Arai’s genuine and light-hearted approach adds a touch of levity to these discussions.

Challenges in Japanese Society: Breaking Gender Norms

A significant portion of the manga is devoted to shedding light on the unique challenges faced by queer and gender nonconforming individuals in Japan. Arai explores how societal norms, such as strict gender binaries, impact the lives of those who don’t conform to these expectations. The book also addresses issues like finding appropriate language to describe significant others and the biases faced by nonbinary individuals.

The Artistic Style: Enhancing the Storytelling

While the art in ‘At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender’ may not be the manga’s main draw, Arai’s cute and pleasant illustrations enhance the storytelling. The four-panel format occasionally hinders the flow of the narrative, but it does not detract from the overall message conveyed. It is worth noting that this manga is part of a series, leaving readers curious about the missing pieces of Arai’s story.

Conclusion: A Brave and Refreshing Exploration of Queer Identity and Aging

‘At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender’ is a brave and refreshing addition to LGBTQIA+ manga, as it fearlessly explores the complexities of queer aging. Shou Arai’s willingness to engage in open conversations about topics often considered taboo or uncomfortable is commendable. By sharing their experiences, Arai fosters greater understanding and empathy among readers, making this manga a must-read for anyone seeking an honest and thought-provoking exploration of queer identity and the aging process.