Home MANGA NEWS 15 Minutes Before We Really Date: A Manga That Falls Short of Its Full Potential

15 Minutes Before We Really Date: A Manga That Falls Short of Its Full Potential


Discover why Perico’s ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ fails to live up to its potential, with a disconnect between art style and character portrayals, inconsistent emotional impact, and struggles to stand out in a crowded genre.

The Artistic Disconnect: Crude Characterizations Undermine the Comedy

One of the major drawbacks of ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ is the disconnect between its art style and character portrayals. While the paneling work and overall style are visually appealing, the crude characterizations and awkward expressions undermine the comedic elements of the series. The manga consistently misses the mark when it comes to delivering humorous dialogue with a visual punch. On the other hand, the moments of romance, with their shy gazes and tender interactions, fare much better. This inconsistency in quality creates a sense of discord within the manga, leaving readers frustrated.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Despite the visually appealing paneling work and overall style, the crude characterizations and awkward expressions in ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ undermine its comedic elements. The manga consistently fails to deliver humorous dialogue with a visual punch, missing the mark. However, the moments of romance, with their shy gazes and tender interactions, fare much better. This inconsistency in quality creates a sense of discord within the manga, leaving readers frustrated.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

Inconsistent Emotional Impact: Moments of Warmth Hindered by Awkward Delivery

The mini-segments featuring Yuuki and Natsuha do have their endearing moments, such as their first experience holding hands as a couple. These chapters evoke the desired warm and fuzzy feelings associated with teenage romance. However, the overall experience is hindered by the awkward delivery and illustrations in other stories. The flatness of certain chapters and the lack of emotional connection in their depiction kill the intended response. Consequently, ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ falls short of its full potential, only managing to offer glimpses of competency.

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( Credit to: Asianmoviepulse )

’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ has its moments of warmth, such as Yuuki and Natsuha’s first experience holding hands as a couple, which evokes the desired warm and fuzzy feelings associated with teenage romance. However, the manga’s overall experience is hindered by the awkward delivery and illustrations in other stories. The flatness of certain chapters and the lack of emotional connection in their depiction kill the intended response. As a result, the manga falls short of its full potential, only managing to offer glimpses of competency.

Unique Elements in a Crowded Genre: Semi-Unique Approach Fails to Stand Out

For avid romance manga enthusiasts, ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ may still hold some appeal due to its variety and semi-unique approach to the genre. The manga impresses when it successfully captures the essence of romance. However, when compared to other genres and the best works within them, Perico’s manga struggles to hold up under scrutiny. In an already crowded genre, it fails to stand out as a standout choice for readers seeking a diverse range of manga.

’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ may still hold some appeal for avid romance manga enthusiasts due to its variety and semi-unique approach to the genre. The manga impresses when it successfully captures the essence of romance. However, when compared to other genres and the best works within them, Perico’s manga struggles to hold up under scrutiny. In an already crowded genre, it fails to stand out as a standout choice for readers seeking a diverse range of manga.

Conclusion: Moments of Flair and Endearing Romance Fall Short

While ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ has its moments of visual flair and endearing romance, it ultimately falls short of its full potential. The disconnect between the art style and character portrayals hampers the comedy, while the inconsistent emotional impact leaves readers wanting more. Although it may still appeal to die-hard romance manga fans, it fails to hold up against greater scrutiny in a crowded genre. Perico’s work, while competent in glimpses, ultimately disappoints.

Despite its moments of visual flair and endearing romance, ’15 Minutes Before We Really Date’ ultimately falls short of its full potential. The disconnect between the art style and character portrayals hampers the comedy, while the inconsistent emotional impact leaves readers wanting more. Although it may still appeal to die-hard romance manga fans, it fails to hold up against greater scrutiny in a crowded genre. Perico’s work, while competent in glimpses, ultimately disappoints.